We were taken to Mrs Noughtfear's LookSeeSkool high atop Pineapple Mountain to meet The Pineapple Princess who was abducted before us. We couldn't see Mrs Noughtfear beacause she was nothing, but we could hear her. She told us the story of "Nineapple Pineapple and
The Three Bees" about The Little One who was missing in Queensland and she said not to worry because we were in a movie. She said she took The Little Boy for her next movie about missing children.
Queensland Disabled Pineapple Mathematics was devised by Mrs Noughtfear to provide good comfort and hope for the families of missing ones, to provide Police with a new way of looking
at difficult problems and to provide child security education in a fun and interesting way.
And to restore mathematical correctness to The Sum of Queensland.